Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Muse: {Movie Review} Catching Fire and A Question

Monday Muse is a weekly blog feature in which I talk about book-related things: review book-to-movie adapation, lists of my favorite heroines, etc. But really, it's just a feature to excuse my random rants so as not to clutter this blog.

Watch the movie trailer HERE. :)

Monday Muse is back, wohooo! <3 I got an announcement two days ago about the release of Catching Fire DVD, so this post is a gentle reminder for those of you haven't watched Catching Fire yet (*gasps* what planet you live in??). Prepare for the attack of fangirl wave! :P

Katniss, remember the true enemy is.

Catching Fire was so awesome that I cried few times in the cinema. And we haven't seen Mockingjay yet,
pffft. Get a grip of yourself, Hilda. Reminding myself that a few times, I shed my tears discreetly and continue ogling Sam Claflin a.k.a Finnick Odair in the big screen. Watching the movie, I was wholly prepared for the awesomeness and thank you, I was not disappointed at all.

This part gripped my heart.

Catching Fire is not my favorite book out of the Hunger Games trilogy. I think it lacks of action, it has unnecessary love triangle, and it has too many Katniss-Gale moments (excuse me, I'm clearly biased on this point). But the director, Francis Lawrence, proved me otherwise. In his hands, Catching Fire is intense, electrifying, and practically crackled with fire. It is simply awesome.
Finnick and his infamous sugar cube scene ;)

The new supporting casts are not disappointed at all. Sam Claflin's appearance may not be what I thought
Finnick would be, but I think he was doing a pretty good job portraying the playful and strong Finnick (his infamous sugarcube scene is one of my most anticipated parts ;) ). Jena Malone as Johanna Mason is wonderful too. I can't help grinning every time I remember how she takes off her clothes in the elevator in front of Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch. Imagine the discomfort of Katniss. xD

The dresses are as beautiful as ever. I took pleasure looking at the various dresses Effie wears. I guess what we all remember in the end of the movie is her butterfly dress, right? ;) Capitol Couture never cease to amaze me. Katniss' wedding dress and her Mockingjay transformation is really beautiful as well. I just wanted to hug Cinna at that time. *hugs*

On a totally unrelated note, I found out that the designer who design Katniss' gorgeous wedding dress is an Indonesian as well and he has a boutique in my city.  Now I know where I should go for my future wedding dress. ;)

Catching Fire makes me yearn for Mockingjay: Part 1. After a long one and a half year of waiting, it's practically a torture to make us wait for the third movie. I can't wait to see how they turn the book into a movie since the story is much darker and more focused on Katniss' turmoil inside. Spoiler for those who haven't read Mockingjay, highlight to read: I think they will end the movie with the brainwashed Peeta strangling Katniss. OMG THE FEELS. Just thinking about that part makes my heart aches.

Mockingjay: Part 1 is slated for theatrical release on November 21 this year and Mockingjay: Part 2 will be released on November 20, 2015. Oh the waiting!

You can read what to expect on Mockingjay movies in this article.

What do you think of Catching Fire? Are you excited for Mockingjay?

Plus, can you give me a short story recommendation? Do you know any good stories, preferably from a YA author?

Thank you for reading this week's Monday Muse and answering the question! I'll try my best to stay ahead of schedule and blog regularly. :) Happy Monday!


  1. I didn't mind Catching Fire but I felt that it was a little slow just like the book. I loved the actress who played Johanna Mason though and in the end I wished that she was the MC and not Katniss.

    Am wracking my brain for a short story but I don't read many :( will be interested in seeing what other suggestions you get though...

    1. I think the movie was more action-packed, but it's just my opinion. :) Jena Malone does play awesome Johanna! Love her to bits. <3 *shows teeth*

      It's okay, Lan! Thanks for trying to come up with something anyways! :)

  2. I really enjoyed Catching Fire and I cannot wait for Mockingjay. I thought it was much better done than Hunger Games and Finnick's role was quite good, too. At least better than I'd expected. Wonderful review, Hilda!(:

    1. Glad you loved it very much, Keertana! Yay Finnick! <33 That boy needs more love. ;) Thanks, hun! :)

  3. I've already watched this movie 3 times! I thought it was so much better than the first (although I might be biased since Catching Fire was my favorite book.) I'm so annoyed their breaking Mockingjay into two parts! November 2015. How are we supposed to wait that long?!

  4. I really LOVE the movie adaptation of Mockingjay! I watched it in the theatres with my friends twice and we cried at both times (especially on the Jabberjay scene!!!) At first we were a bit skeptical after seeing the posters and stills, but the casts truly gave such outstanding performances in CF. *applause!*
    I hope the next two movies are going to be directed by Francis Lawrence too

  5. I'm finally going to see it next week - EXCITEMENT!

  6. I thought they did a great job on the film, and I love the new characters/actors. Jena Malone definitely stood out though. She was fantastic. That's so cool about the wedding dress designer being in your country. You totally need a Katniss-esque wedding dress now. ;)


  7. Oh. My. God. Highfive, fellow Indonesian! I've only known so few of us who blog in English so I'm sooo glad to discover you and your blog! ^^ Though I have to admit that I didn't like Catching Fire as much as you did. I liked the book just fine, but the movie bored me >< But I LOVED the cast! There's no denying that they have chosen the right actors for the job. And god, Jena Malone as Johanna was totally badass! *__*

  8. I haven't watched the movie yet but I plan to soon. I love that wedding dress. I'm not looking forward to the 3rd movie because too many sad things happen. :( Glad to see you enjoyed this, Hilda! :)


    I actually liked this one much better than the first…even if I haven't read the series at all. XD But the dresses OMGOSH YES THE BUTTERFLY DRESS ALL THE WAY and DAT WEDDING DRESS THO. I loved Johanna! She is my favorite character in Catching Fire. I don't know, overall, the movies are pretty well done, but not my favorite. :/ But i am so glad you loved it so much, Hilda! Hopefully they keep up with those costume designs, yes? ;)

    Lots of love!,

  10. HILDAAA. I watched the first half of CF. Have the second half left. I know, that's weird right? I was kinda underwhelmed- probably cuz of my mood while I began watching it. Hopefully I'm gonna end up loving it. LOVE THE MONDAY MUSE POST :D

  11. The movie is a solid example of "the book on film" in spirit, and Lawrence is brilliant in a performance far beyond blockbuster-level acting.
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  12. Finally i got a movie review on Catching Fire. After reading some special comment cant wait anymore for watching this one good movie. I will back 3 hours to be saying something about Catching Fire.


I enjoy hearing your opinion so please leave a comment! I will do my best to return the favor, and sometimes I also reply here. Please don't hesitate to share your fabulous thought with me ♥


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