Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Title:  Fangirl
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Publication date: September 2013
Publisher: St. Martin's Press

From Goodreads:
Cath is a Simon Snow fan.

Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan . . .

But for Cath, being a fan is her life — and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.

Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere. Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.

Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.

For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?

Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories? And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?

 By the time I reached page 82, I’ve already fallen in love with Levi. (well, that was quick)

If you’ve read any book by Rainbow Rowell, you are instantly my best friend. It seems that she has a special book recipe which is absolutely delectable! The combination of awesome writing + relatable characters + swoonworthy hero is simply explosive. I wonder where I can order my own hero from Rainbow Rowell’s books. *wink wink*

Fangirl is a story about Cath, a freshman in college who is anxious about starting in a new place with new set of people and rules. Cath doesn’t enjoy new situations, and she has hard time adapting at first. Especially since her twin sister, Wren, has thought that it’s best for them to separate sometimes. Lonely and unmotivated, Cath dedicates her days and nights to writing fanfic about her favorite series, Simon Snow. Cath’s fanfic, Carry On, Simonis immensely popular to the point that it gets thousand of hits every day. Cath thinks she can live on her fanfic, not caring about her study or trying to make any friends in university, but well, maybe it’s not so bad to actually let her roommate’s-probably-boyfriend-probably-not invades her space sometimes. And maybe, just maybe, it won’t be so bad not to spend the night writing fanfic. But is Cath actually ready for change?

Aww, Cath. Before I started reading this book, I read reviews and saw lines raving about how Cath is dangerously relatable. And well, she really is! She is not a perfect heroine and that is perfectly awesome ♥. Cath, with her insecurity, her uneasiness with large crowd, and her tendency to pretend that problem doesn’t exist is just very mundane. It’s her way of protecting herself from pain and threats from other people. It’s so easy to identify yourself with her – she’s that real.

Story development I really appreciate from Eleanor and Park to Fangirling is the stronger parts for supporting casts in this book. Reagan – you go girl! I love Reagan’s bluntness and how she is harshly caring. That sound exactly contradictory, yes, but that’s Reagan, Cath’s roommate, for you. And those who know me well enough must have guessed correctly who stole my heart: Levi. Levi, the Reagan’s-probably-boyfriend-probably-not, is so sweet and enthusiastic that you can’t help but love him.

“I think there’s a baby in the corner you forgot to kiss,” Cath said to him.

“Where’s a baby?” His eyes perked up.

All in all, I enjoyed Fangirl immensely. It is a wonderful book with lots of stories inside. Even more stories than you can get from a series. The Simon Snow snippets are really entertaining as well. They make kind of wish that there was actually a Simon Snow series. Remember to send me a note when you’ve finished reading this book, okay? Then we can hang out for your preferred drink and discuss which one we love more – Park from Eleanor and Park or Levi from Fangirl. ;)

“Deviant.” He raised an eyebrow. Levi’s eyebrows were much darker than his hair. Too dark, really. And arched. Like he’d drawn them on.

Cath felt herself smile, even though she was trying to hold her lips and face still. She shook her head, then looked down at her food and took a big bite.

Levi scraped more eggs and hash onto her plate.


4 cups of tea!
 I love the writing and how real this book seems to me. Wonderful read!



  1. I agree completely! I loved Levi and loved the realistic portrayal of college and friendships that this book became. I can't wait to read Rowell's next novel!(: Lovely review, my dear!

    1. Yay, glad you think the same thing, Keertana! <3 It's just so awesome how close I feel with Cath, especially since she's a college student too. :) Thank you! <3

  2. Nice to see a new review from you, Hilda! I am dying to read this book because I think I could really relate. I'm a total fangirl and I love fan fiction (of Harry Potter!).

    1. I'm glad that I finally make another post too hehe! :) You really should! There are snippets of fanfiction that Cath made, and boy, she can write. (or Rainbow Rowell can) I really got the Harry Potter vibe! <3

  3. I'm embarrassed to admit I have yet to read any of Rainbow Rowell's books! *hangs head in shame* Cath sounds like a very realistic college student, whom it would be easy to relate with. So glad you enjoyed this one Hilda and to have you back!!! =D

    1. Aww, it's okay, Amanda! Now GO and PICK UP one of the Rainbow Rowell's book this weekend! ;) Cath is awesomely realistic. <3 Glad to see you around in my blog too, Amanda! <3 :)

  4. Ooh, I'm so glad that you enjoyed this one so much, Hilda! It seems like I'll have to pick it up soon. I read Eleanor and Park, and while I didn't seem to love it like everybody else did, I did enjoy it and really want to read more by Rainbow Rowell. =)

    I love how the MC is so REAL. I feel like I've been missing that in some of my contemp reads lately, but I feel like I would have no issues relating to Cath because she's just a normal person trying to find her way in a new world. Also, this Levi character sounds pretty awesome, not gonna lie. ;)

    Reagan also sounds like a fantastic friend to Cath- and a good compliment to her personality as well. I really can't wait to meet her- she sounds so much like me, with the bluntness and everything.

    I will definitely be sending you a Tweet as soon as I finish this book so we can discuss over a virtual cup of coffee! ;) <3 Gorgeous review, Hilda!!

    1. I'm sure you will have more success with Fangirl, Aneeqah! I might like Fangirl slightly more than Eleanor and Park. ;) I can't wait to read more of her works too! :)

      Cath is so realistic! Haha, yeah, she's a normal person who is sooo easy to relate too. :) And Levi is just sooo lovely. Like a cup of coffee you need in a rainy day. :)

      Reagan is my new best friend haha. Her words can be harsh but it's evident how she actually cares about Cath a lot. I think she might be more blunt than you though. ;)

      Yay! I'm going to be waiting for your tweet then! Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did! <3 Thank, hun! :)


    But look at this review! URG I WANT TO GO OUT AND BUY BOTH ELEANOR AND PARK AND FANGIRL NAOW. TT ^ TT WAIT BLACK FRIDAY! I might have hope, cross your fingers for me! But Levi!<3 sounds freaking adorable and let's go and hug him or something. I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing would you? ;D But to think I haven't read anything by Rainbow Rowell TT ^ TT. I will must have to.



      Go go go buy it!! These book are really worth your money and your time. Levi is so adorable and awesome and realistic in a way haha. Of course I wouldn't mind sharing with you! ;) You really should read it. Aaah Black Friday. If only I were in the US now, the things I'd buy . T.T


  6. Hilda I just finished this and YES. LEVI IS SO SWOON. I fell in love with him really really quickly :D I just skimmed through your review cuz I don't want it to influence mine but oh my lord, this was fantastic. I LOVED that it was about fanfiction and "Simon Snow" obsession and words and a lovely, POLITE boy who was so weird and hot and unconventionally awesome!!! Have you read Attachments too? It's my favourite by Rowell!

    It's so great that you're back Hilda! *hugs* I've missed you so much <33

    1. I know! LEVI IS SO CUTE. I hope you enjoyed this book immensely, Pooja! <3 Sorry for the super late reply. :''''' I missed you LOTS! <333

  7. HILDA!! My laptop broke down so I'm now catching up with all the posts I've missed and seeing you popping up made me SO HAPPY. I hope to see more of your reviews :)

    I think I'll love Cath :D

    1. I hope your laptop has been fixed, Mel! I'll make sure not to disappear suddenly anymore LOL. Thank you! <3 And yeah, Cath is awesome! :)

  8. Thank you so much for the best comment on my Fiery Heart review a few weeks ago. I'm glad your still reviewing occasionally.

    I absolutely love how easy I could connect with Cath too. Levi was adorable!

    1. Thank you popping up, Rachel! <3 Cath is dangerously relatable haha. LEVI FTW! <3

  9. I didn't quite enjoy the Simon Snow snippets as much as everyone else, but I still loved the book overall. Levi and Cath were just great. Don't worry, I fell in love with him pretty early on too. ;) And Cath really was relatable. I saw so much of myself in her personality, it was scary. I still need to pick up Eleanor and Park, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.l Awesome review, Hilda! And it's SOOO great to see you back. I hope you are well! :)

    1. Hehehe, glad we have the same taste for boys, Sam! ;) Cath is, like, scarily relatable. I hope you enjoyed Eleanor and Park when you got to it! Thank you, Sam! I'm very well, thank you! :)

  10. Oh, Hilda, how I've missed you <3 I hope you're doing well and we must catch up some time soon - I feel like we haven't talked in absolutely AGES!

    I've read so many rave reviews for Fangirl and I'm so glad one of my bestest blogger friends adored it too - definitely need to pick it up soon! Relatable characters are a must for me and I love character development and from reading your review, I think I'd want to be Cath's best friend too :) And a swoon-worthy guy? Can I just meet Levi now? He sounds so awesome!!!!

    Lovely review as always, Hilda <3

    1. I know! Missed you lots, Bev! <3 You're super sweet! I hope you've picked up this book and fall in love with the characters as well! <3 LEVI IS AWESOME. <3 Thank you, hun! :)

  11. I'm currently reading it! I'm at the beginning but I already love it :)


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